Tablecraft awarded $225K by the National Science Foundation

Yep, you read that right!

NSF Phase I grant

If you’ve been following us for a while now then you’ll probably recall that for the past year, Guillaume and I focused most of our efforts on the pursuit of a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant, so that we could fund the further development of Tablecraft.

The National Science Foundation (NSF) is one of several agencies that award SBIR grants every year. Their mission is to fund early stage startups that are trying to develop tech with a potential for positive societal impact, and Tablecraft (as we envision it, not as it stands today) fits the bill. So back in December, our company, Not Suspicious LLC, submitted its first ever grant application to the NSF.

Today we’re super excited to finally announce that we have been chosen as the recipient of a $225,000 SBIR Phase I grant! Wohoo! 😍💥🔥🎉🎉🚀

This will not only allow us to expand the team, but also the scope of what we want to achieve with Tablecraft, and work to make that happen has already started behind the scenes. In the coming weeks, expect to see a lot more devlog activity, as we start announcing our new team members, ideas and future plans!


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