Ahoyyyyy my fellow Tablecrafters, it’s devlog time! 🙌
Welcome to the first edition of Lunch with the Devs, a 30-minute long podcast where Guillaume and I talk about all the things we’ve been up to as well as things to look forward to! Give it a listen on your next trip to the toilet and let us know what you think on Discord!
Here’s a quick rundown of the topics we cover in the video, for those of you having a hard time deciding whether you should invest the time or not:
- Games For Change
- Acquisition offers
- The SBIR government grant
- The VR educational space
- Our new company: Not Suspicious, LLC
- Ramping up production
- Things we worked on this past week
- Better VR buttons and haptic feedback
- Isotopes, radiation and decay chains
- Better movement for our robot assistant
- Making the lab more playful
- Things we’ll probably work on in the coming week(s)
- Expanding the Periodic Table interactivity
- Designing a pilot study for the SBIR
- Radiation and decay chains improvements
- “Telekinesis”
- Treehouse improvements
- ASMR with the Devs
Also, worth correcting:
1. I *can* technically work in the US, but not on my own company. It’s complicated.
2. There’s actually more than a thousand isotopes but I only added the “main” ones!
3. Fabiana is actually part-time, not full-time.
Cheers! 🚀